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Bobby Jones Links to Manage The Frog Golf Club in Georgia

Bobby Jones Links to Manage The Frog Golf Club in Georgia

Leading boutique management firm expands its Atlanta portfolio with addition of Fazio designed daily-fee club

By Brian Weis

ALPHARETTA, GA - Bobby Jones Links (BJL), the golf industry's leading client-centric, boutique management company, proudly announces that it is now managing Villa Rica, Georgia's The Frog Golf Club, an 18-hole parkland-style course that formerly hosted the Georgia Open. Located just 40 miles from Atlanta and now owned by Atlanta-based investment form US Strategic Capital, this Tom Fazio-designed layout that opened in 1998 is known for its bentgrass greens and memorable bunkering.

"The Frog was designed by Tom Fazio around the same time he designed The Seaside Course at Sea Island and The National at Reynolds Lake Oconee. It's a terrific layout that our team is excited to return to its rightful position as one of the premier daily fee courses in the Atlanta market," said Doug Hellman, Chief Development Officer for Bobby Jones Links. "We will initially work on elevating course conditions, developing the customer journey and training and empowering staff to focus on the details that make a difference."

Bobby Jones Links, which manages more than 38 select properties in 12 states, will employ its expertise and deep resources to uncover opportunities that drive financial performance while maintaining a laser focus on delivering unsurpassed customer service. BJL will oversee daily operations and train employees with its comprehensive library of standard operating procedures, proprietary tools, best management practices, and expertly developed leadership training program.

"What sets Bobby Jones Links apart to us is that they understand what needs to happen operationally to maximize profitability. On the other side of the token, our customers are looking for an enjoyable experience at a fair value," said Thomas Gwynn, Vice President of US Strategic Capital. "If we can continue to see improvements to our operations while also garnering a loyal following from the golf community, that's the key. We think Bobby Jones Links has proven that they know how to put that winning formula to work."

The Frog extends 7,018 yards from the tips, and perpetually has excellent reviews and ratings from golfers online. BJL is poised to take the facility to the next level. "How we position The Frog will be reflective of the course here, this premium Fazio layout," says Hellman. "We are committed to maintaining the great golf, great conditioning, and great customer service."

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About Bobby Jones Links

Bobby Jones Links is a privately owned club management company offering hands-on, turnkey operations management and advisory services to select daily fee, private and semi-private clubs. Based in Atlanta with an office in Naples, FL, the company supports more than 30 properties in 12 states, including Bobby Jones Golf Course, Hope Valley Country Club, and Travis Pointe Country Club. Visit to learn how Bobby Jones Links makes a difference for their clients and associates.

About The Frog Golf Club

Designed by legendary golf course architect Tom Fazio, The Frog is widely considered to be among the top courses in Georgia. Located off Interstate 20 in Villa Rica, this is a masterpiece layout complete with bentgrass greens and expansive bunkering.

Media Contacts:

Kevin Frisch PR
Kevin Frisch
(989) 614-0241

Carl Mickelson
(512) 797-2673

Katie Lentine
Marketing Manager

Bobby Jones Links

Revised: 06/07/2024 - Article Viewed 1,320 Times - View Course Profile

About: Brian Weis

Brian Weis Brian Weis is the mastermind behind, a vast network of golf travel and directory sites covering everything from the rolling fairways of Wisconsin to the sunbaked desert layouts of Arizona. If there’s a golf destination worth visiting, chances are, Brian has written about it, played it, or at the very least, found a way to justify a "business trip" there.

As a card-carrying member of the Golf Writers Association of America (GWAA), International Network of Golf (ING), Golf Travel Writers of America (GTWA), International Golf Travel Writers Association (IGTWA), and The Society of Hickory Golfers (SoHG), Brian has the credentials to prove that talking about golf is his full-time job. In 2016, his peers even handed him The Shaheen Cup, a prestigious award in golf travel writing—essentially the Masters green jacket for guys who don’t hit the range but still know where the best 19th holes are.

Brian’s love for golf goes way back. As a kid, he competed in junior and high school golf, only to realize that his dreams of a college golf scholarship had about the same odds as a 30-handicap making a hole-in-one. Instead, he took the more practical route—working on the West Bend Country Club grounds crew to fund his University of Wisconsin education. Little did he know that mowing greens and fixing divots would one day lead to a career writing about the best courses on the planet.

In 2004, Brian turned his golf passion into a business, launching Three years later, he expanded his vision, and was born—a one-stop shop for golf travel junkies looking for their next tee time. Today, his empire spans all 50 states, and 20+ international destinations.

On the course, Brian is a weekend warrior who oscillates between a 5 and 9 handicap, depending on how much he's been traveling (or how generous he’s feeling with his scorecard). His signature move" A high, soft fade that his playing partners affectionately (or not-so-affectionately) call "The Weis Slice." But when he catches one clean, his 300+ yard drives remind everyone that while he may write about golf for a living, he can still send a ball into the next zip code with the best of them.

Whether he’s hunting down the best public courses, digging up hidden gems, or simply outdriving his buddies, Brian Weis is living proof that golf is more than a game—it’s a way of life.

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